Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

Follow up on Sandy

Hi all,
Please see previous entry about Sandy the Flower Man!  AND here's an article on the upcoming benefit for Sandy:

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sandy Bell, the Flower Man

Naikan exercise on strangers:
Pick a stranger, and notice something they have done for you or given you.  Without possibly even knowing their name, write them a Thank You card, giving specific thanks for something they did. 

Sandy the Flower Man is a bit more than a stranger in my mind, and the more I work on his upcoming benefit at JJ's Bohemia, the more I see him as a celebrity!  However, Sandy is a person I run into around town who is always giving.  At times when I have not had money on me or just didn't think I had enough to share, Sandy has still given me a flower and wished me a lovely evening.  He rides his bike all around town with something in his hand to give you.  Sandy is someone I don't know very well who has given me frequent gifts and blessings.  How has the post office worker helped you today?  Or the check-out girl at Bi-Lo?  What have you received from driver of the car next to you, who so graciously obeyed these helpful traffic laws to keep you safe?

Here is the information about the upcoming Sandy Bell benefit:

Sandy Bell, the local Chattanooga flower man, has been receiving chemotherapy. Please come out to show Mr. Bell our deep gratitude for his smiles and flowers and to help raise funds for the many complicated costs he will incur. Bands and artistis will peform, TBA. Donations so far for silent auction include but are not limited to: Asala Center gift certificates (yoga, dance, Constructive Living, job search skills), Massage Therapy at Clearspring Yoga (massage), Zanzibar Studio gift certificate for bellydance, Dancing for Birth private lesson from Emerald Hips Bellydance,, Yoga East gift certificate for yoga, The Purple Daisy (food! great bbq), Ignis Glass (beautiful glass art), McCord Photography (gift certificate towards photography session, Green Thumbs Galore (plants), Burns Tobacconist (cigars!), a goodie bag from a pastry place, and a gift certificate for a nail spa.

Please check out the "Cause" page that Zach made at and let us know if you are interested in donating something for the auction! "Sandy the Flower Man" for Facebook fan pages to receive more updates as well. The response has been overwhelming and now we're trying to centralize the info!

Check out the Pulse this week! Article on Sandy and his daughter!